Privacystatement PE-online App, version july 5, 2023


This privacy statement applies to the PE-online app and all branded customer apps including:
• GAIA App
• KP App
• KRT App
• PQK App
• Registerplein App
Every policy which applies to the PE-online app in the document, also applies to all branded versions.

Who is responsible for data processing

Xaurum B.V., established in the Netherlands city Breda, is responsible for data processing as described in this privacy statement. When using the PE-online app, some data is required for accessing your online portfolio. This is the key which has been generated when your device was connected to your own portfolio. Based on this key authentication will occur. Within the PE-online app you have access to all personal data which is provided via the PE-online website.

Sharing your data

As PE-online is an administrative system, commissioned by your professional organization, and so all data will be shared with them, exactly as it happens on the PE-online application opened via our website or via your professional organisations’ website. The professional organization is also the owner of all the data they collect. Xaurum doesn’t collect any data, except statistics with Google Analytics, for their own behalf. From your connected device we store the device type and connection date.

Storing data

Data will be stored within the European Economic Area (“EEA”).

Securing data

Xaurum B.V. has higly trained specialists, internal and external, to test, maintain and improve security. Xaurum is ISO27001 certified.